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My Skincare Routine

My Skincare Routine

Howdy loves! Today we’re talking about one of my secret passions— skincare. In a weird sort of way, my skincare routine is therapeutic to me. My morning and night routines are such lovely bookends for my long days at work. It’s always such a treat to get to use my favorite moisturizer or even do a mask before I head to bed. While not everyone shares my affinity for skincare, it’s still an essential way to keep your skin happy and healthy. I thought I’d share with you all some of my fave products that I’ve been using lately to take care of my skin!

nighttime skincare

step one: When I get home, I usually like to take my makeup off first thing. I’ve been using the Burt’s Bees Micellar Makeup Removing Wipes lately— they don’t irritate my skin and they get the job done!

step two: After taking off my makeup, I will move into my night time skincare routine. My all time favorite face wash is the Origins Checks and Balances Frothy Face Wash. This stuff is the holy grail of face washes! I’ve been using it since seventh grade. When I shower at night, I will wash my face at night rather than in the morning. I find that washing my face twice a day tends to dry out my skin.

step three: After washing my face, I’ll use the Origins United State Balancing Tonic. This helps me keep my skin clear and feeling fresh! I like to apply it with an exfoliating cotton pad to help get rid of dead skin.

step four: My go-to moisturizer as of late has been the Botanics Organic Day Cream. While my all time favorite moisturizer is the Drunk Elephant Protini Polypeptide Cream, it’s quite pricey and I don’t want to be spending that much money on a face lotion. The Botanics Day Cream is a great, more affordable alternative!

step five: After applying moisturizer, I’ll go in with Rosehip Seed Oil as a serum. It’s a really affordable alternative to some of the more expensive serums on the market, and the oil is all natural! I use a small amount to seal in the moisturizer and keep my skin happy and healthy.

morning routine

After doing steps two-five of my nighttime routine, I like to go in with a good sunscreen! My favorite sunscreen is the Supergoop Glow Stick SPF 50 Sunscreen. It doesn’t leave a white residue and doesn’t break out my skin. Plus, the stick applicator makes my mornings a little bit easier!

I also use a facial mist I picked up from Marks & Web when I visited Tokyo to brighten up my face after putting on makeup!

In terms of lip products, I have quite a few favorites that I use! For a good basic chapstick, I’ve been using my Dr. Bronner’s Organic Lip Balm. It gets the job done, it smells great, and the packaging is darling! I also have been loving my all-time fave lip gloss: Smith’s Minted Rosebud Salve. It gives my lips a nice pink hue while still moisturizing them! The color is natural as well, which makes it great for brightening up my look when I’m not wearing makeup, too.

Another fave of mine has been my Cocokind MyMatcha Moisture Stick. When my skin gets dry throughout the day, I can whip out this bad boy and add a little moisture to my face. I also adore the packaging and the brand ethos is outstanding.


This is probably my favorite section because I adore doing face masks! For when my skin is feeling dry, I love Origin’s Drink Up Intensive Overnight Mask. It smells amazing and brings life into my skin when it’s looking dull or dry.

When my skin is breaking out or is in need of a “deep clean,” my current go-to is the Aztec Secret Clay Mask. My friend (and future roomie) Ella recommended this to me and I love it! I can definitely tell a difference in my active breakout areas after using this. Since I wear face coverings when I’m at work or out and about, I tend to break out on the lower half of my face. This mask helps me maintain clear skin during the hot summer months!

I hope this posts helps you all in some way and I hope you are all staying safe and healthy!

xx, Sadie

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